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Начало / Singapore / Other Telecommunications Activities N.E.C. (Eg Provision Of Voip (Voice Over Internet Protocol Services)) / Allegro Telecom Pte. Ltd.
Company details:
Entity name: Allegro Telecom Pte. Ltd. (202139366Z)
Business address: Asia Square Tower 1, 8 Marina View, #39-04, Postal 018960
Registration date: 2021-11-12
Issuance: ACRA
More details:
UEN: 202139366Z
Uen issue date: 2021-11-12
Main category: Other Telecommunications Activities N.E.C. (Eg Provision Of Voip (Voice Over Internet Protocol Services))
Secondary category: Telecommunications Resellers/Third Party Telecommunications Providers (Including Value-Added Network Operators)
Secondary details: Local Company